Danovel Feather Sandwich™ is a special combination of duck down feather wrapped over a foam core. Danovel has a unique trademarked way of ensuring the best comfort without making the seat too soft. Its interchangeable center foam core allow you to replace it or the feather down mix easily. And of course there isn’t a need to change the foam core as Danovel uses a quality material which is Non-Sag Foam.

Apart from our excellent comfort level, quality down proof material is used to contain the feather ensuring they are kept in their position always, the duck down feathers used in Danovel’s Feather Sandwich™ seat construction comes from responsible sources in Taiwan. Not all feathers are the same, Danovel only uses small feathers with a certain percentage of down to ensure the balance between the soft touch and durability. Large feathers tend to be brittle and less comfortable, with shorter life span

What is the Responsible Down Standard(RDS)?
The Responsible Down Standard(RDS) is an independent global standard that aims to ensure that down and feathers come from animals that have not been subjected to any unnecessary harm. It’s given to companies that respect the humane treatment of ducks and geese. No legislation requires companies to do so, which means that companies choose to certify their products to the RDS voluntarily.
At Danovel, we are committed to ensuring that we meet our obligations in respecting the welfare of the geese and ducks that provide the down and feathers of the products that we all love

What are the key points in the standard?
The RDS was developed and revised over three years, with the input of animal welfare groups, industry experts, brands and retailers. The key points are:
- Any removal of down and feathers from live birds (live-plucking or molt-harvesting) is prohibited
- Force-feeding is prohibited
- Holistic respect for animal welfare of the birds from hatching to slaughter
- RDS down and feathers is properly identified; to ensures that non-RDS down and feathers are not mistakenly identified as RDS
- Each stage in supply chain is audited by a professional, third party certification body
- Only products with 100% certified down and feathers carry the RDS logo